Social Responsibility
Other information which will help understand our involvement in social responsibilities (such as our involvement and policies in the environment, community involvement, social contributions, social services, social welfare, consumer rights, human rights, safety and sanitation and other social activities):
We have an environmental management system in place. With the establishment of environmental policies, goals, procedures and evaluation, we can protect the environment and prevent pollution as we strive for economic success and bear the environmental responsibilities as an enterprise.
What we do::
- (一) Promote the use of electronic documents instead of paper documents. Recycle used papers by using the blank side.
- (二) Place recycle trash bins for effective recycling.
- (三) Control of AC temperature during summer, so energy is effectively used and carbon emission is reduced.
- (四) Provide local residents with job opportunities and residents within the vicinity are priority hires.
- (五) Sponsor senior citizen activities in local communities to promote friendly ties with our neighbors.
※ 105年與新竹縣私立內思高工及明新科技大學攜手推動產學合作計畫,開始晉 用建教生,深根培植基礎人才並讓學生有實際操作機會,能學以致用。 希望藉由與產學界的密切配合,使公司獲得領先業界的創新觀念與做法,而學校人才亦有應用理論,實際操作的機會,進而培育出公司人才,達到雙贏局面。
※ 103年度參加新竹縣政府「春季淨攤總動員暨清掃學習、資源回收宣導活動」
※ 103/11/23~104/12/31響應新竹縣政府環境保護局「節能減碳、愛護地球」推動作業,加入每周一次道路認養清掃行列。